Friday, February 13, 2009

Cough,congestion,fever and body aches!

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while but as you have heard me say here several times recently-FLU IS IN FULL SWING!!! I think every room I go into the complaints are the same and the questions and answers are the same. "He really doesn't need an antibiotic?" No-flu is viral-antibiotics won't touch the flu! "Can he go back to school tomorrow?" NO he can't go back to school tomorrow! HE HAS THE FLU!!! "Is he really going to be sick for a week?" YES-HE HAS THE FLU!!! I feel like tattooing this across my forehead! Can you tell I have seen enough of the flu!!!!! Anyway, I hope all is well with you and yours-and hope you don't get the FLU! I promise a new recipe before the weekend is over.


  1. Kick that flu bug in the butt.

  2. do they need to stay out of their siblings' faces????? how about his newborn baby sisters' face???? is the flu contageous???

  3. yes-stay away from everybody! What newborn???
