Well yesterday I celebrated my 40th birthday. My age has never bothered me. Frankly I am just happy to be alive!!
My 20s were tough and I really don't remember much about them. And no it has absolutely nothing to do with the legal drinking age! I was in school at The Medical College of Georgia and it was a whirlwind!
My 30s were hard. They were filled with trials,tribulations and temptations but I have weathered them all. Sure I had goals for this age in my life, Some I reached and others I didn't. SO WHAT!!
I have learned a thing or two over all this time. I hope people have learned a few things about me. When I am no longer in this world I hope they can say the she was a wife that loved her husband. She was a mother who adored and loved ALL her children, She was a daughter who loved her parents and a sister who loved her siblings. She was an aunt who loved her neices nad nephews. SHe was a healthcare provider who loved her patients.But, Most of all, she was a Christaian who loved her Lord.
So goodbye 30s. I tip my hat fond farewell to you. I am waving goodbye to you with a huge smile on my face and fuly embrassing 40.
So 40 here I come full steam ahead and with guns a blazing!!! BRING IT ON!!!